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How to Grow a Small Trading Account in 2 Easy Steps

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How to Grow a Small Trading Account in 2 Easy Steps

How to Grow a Small Trading Account in 2 Easy Steps


In today’s article, I will tell you How to Grow a Small Trading Account in 2 Easy Steps. If you are thinking that you have got a small trading account and that is why you are unable to grow it, then it’s just an illusion, and through this article, I am going to clear it.

Many traders think, “If I had traded with more money than I would have made more profits.” If you consider your profitability over a few days or a week, then surely you may get lucky and make a huge amount of profit for some time, but what if you give all your profits with interest in one or two trades? Will you be able to handle that loss and the pain of losing money? The answer to the question is definitely not.

For any professional trader, developing trading skills are far more important than the account size. In reality, when you scale up your account size nothing much happens, just your mistakes become costlier. So, you need a proper trading mindset and discipline if you are willing to increase your capital in trading.

Below are 2 Easy Steps to Grow a Small Trading Account.

·Think about the benefits of having a small trading account

Unfortunately, when traders make profits with a small account, they always think ‘I would have made more money if I had traded with more capital’, but they never think about this when they make a loss.

When you lose money in your small account, it’s definitely going to be less than that big account with which you are willing to trade. So, if you want to become a professional trader, then you should know when to scale up your capital and when not to.

Here are some advantages of trading with a small account-

  • You always trade with less tension, and that increases the probability of winning. When you trade with a big account, and in case, if you are under tension, then you may commit some common trading mistakes, eventually that will affect your trading performance.
  • You will learn a lot of lessons about risk management and trading psychology from your small losses that are basically like fees you give to the market.
  • When you trade with a small account, making big money should not be your goal. You should always try to follow the trading process and discipline which will ultimately improve your trading.
  • Once you make a loss, don’t try to recover it by overtrading which further leads to more once you understand this while trading with your small account, then you will never try to overtrade and recover your losses while trading with a big account.

These are the advantages of trading with a small account that you should know before you scale up your account.

·Sharpen your trading skills and develop an edge while trading with a small account

It is hard to grow a small trading account because the brokerage and other commissions are continuously eating your profits, and that is why you probably feel like you take one step forward and two steps back sometimes with your trading. On a small account, this can be frustrating, and you may feel like you are never going to grow it.

Well, if you have a small account, then you have to focus on holding your winning trades and try to manage the risk of your capital so that you will not give back your profits. If you are doing this over a long period, then you will be able to generate good returns from your small trading account, and then you can think of scaling up your account size. The point one needs to understand here is, if you are a beginner, then focus on the trading process. If you are thinking of scaling up your account, and if you haven’t developed good trading skills yet, then your mistakes will become costlier as compared to a small account size.


Trading with a smaller account size is not a disadvantage, especially when you are a beginner. Focus on your trading plan and psychology first because they will play a significant role in your trading career and not your account size.

So, don’t be afraid to make mistakes from your small account, but when you commit a mistake, learn from it so that when you scale up your capital you will not make that same mistake again. Also, focus on the right trading process and try to enjoy the journey. In the beginning, do not try to think of making tonnes of money from small account sizes because trading is a long game, and you have to be patient throughout this journey.

If you want to know more about Risk Management & Intraday Trading Strategies you can refer to our previous blog on

Importance Of Risk Management In Trading and 10 Best Intraday Trading Strategies.


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Happy Learning!

Booming Bulls Academy


  1. Nice article, reminds me to refresh the learnings which anish sir taught during the class. Keep posting

    1. Thank you, Yadnyesh, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

    1. Thank you, Karan, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

    1. Thank you, Nilesh, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

    1. Thank you, Shubham, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

  2. That is the most valuable information for beginners to learn trading with small account to analyse self trading process and cutting the mistakes.

    1. Thank you, Ravindra, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

    1. Thank you, Angshuman, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

  3. Loved it sir
    One request please make a video on trading process or how must be your trading plan
    Thanking you

    1. Thank you, Omkar, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

  4. it’s very true. I also trade with small account like 2000/3000. that’s not give me big profit but it helps in learning the process of trading. When you start with small account you will learn from mistakes and it protect of losing money when trade with big account.

    1. Thank you, Prashant, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

    1. Thank you, Nishant, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

  5. really enlightening and uplifting, because many times we feel this while learning with a small account…thank you sir

    1. Thank you, Judha, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

  6. The physiological strength beginners need you always provide that so thank you for doing that , because just a strategy doesn’t work in Market mindset also play a vital role , so thanks being so supportive ! ?

    1. Thank you, Deepak, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

    1. Thank you, Simrandeep, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

    1. Thank you, Kapish, glad that you find the blog helpful. We constantly try to bring helpful blogs for our traders and will continue doing so.

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